Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Amazing Grace

I've always like the song "Amazing Grace". It didn't have the same effect on me when I was a little kid, but as I've grown & walked through so many challenging times in life, the meaning of the song's lyrics become deeper & more meaningful. Even if you're not a fan of operatic music, you'll feel something inside as you watch & listen to this video.

Steve Jobs, an Amazing Individual

Few people make such a mark on history and have the global impact that Jobs did through his life's work. He persisted and prevailed even when "experts" predicted many of his projects would fail. The world will never be the same as his legacy carries on.

It’s The Little Things…

We make goals lists, have resolutions for a new year and ideas for big things we can do in our lives that will make all the difference. We can easily become consumed with the massive changes that would be so impressive or the big issues that seem to take most of our focus & daily energy. But it's the little things in life...
words to live by quotes and inspiration

Words To Live By

Quotes can often help to serve as a rock - or an anchor for us, to keep us grounded & focused on a constructive perspective. Here are a handful of great words to live by to help us get through the hard times…

Action vs. Excuses

Simply put, there are two kinds of people: Those who make excuses, and those who make it happen. Who do you want to be?
Subdue the enemy without fighting

Subdue the Enemy without Fighting – Become A Peaceful Warrior

To become a peaceful warrior is one of the greatest challenges we face in our lives. Everyday life isn't at all like going to battle. However, the battles we face in our personal lives can be just as emotionally trying.

Rule Your Own Life

Some people will never make the choice to be accountable or responsible for their own actions & behavior or how they affect another person....

Quote of the Day

“Stress in life comes from making things more important than they really are. Failure comes from making things less important than they are.” –...