Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Proactive Living & Prevailing Through Perspective

Getting Back in Control of Your Life Through Proactive Living Daily life is often full of challenges and struggles, sometimes seeming to be more like a rollercoaster ride than a relaxing cruise down a freshly paved highway.
how well do you get along with others

Personal Reflections of Perspective

At various times in our lives, we tend to feel the need to sit back and take a look at how things are going. Itโ€™s like a status check or personal check-up from the inside out... time to reevaluate our own perspectives.

4 Assumptions We All Should Make

Typically, making assumptions of any kind is a bad thing as it leads us into all kinds of problems. Dr. Stephen Covey talks about Four Assumptions that we should all have - and live by.

What Is Real Understanding?

Real understanding is an essential part of all relationships...One of the greatest obstacles to real understanding is having to face some of our own fears.

The Answer to the Universe is Perspective

In relationships - personal or professional, personal growth and building success, our perspective is what makes all the difference. Stephen Covey said it best; We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

The Joy of Understanding

โ€œThe noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.โ€ ~Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was, inarguably, a brilliant man whoโ€™s ideas were decades and often centuries ahead of his own time.

Common Courtesy

Simple, good, "old-fashioned" manners go a long way toward building other people up...and exercising courtesy & manners speaks volumes about your own character. The best part about this's all painless & doesn't cost you a thing.

Can Your Anger Really Hurt You?

Any time we allow ourselves to become angry to the point of an outburst, behave in a passive aggressive way or stuff our anger...