It’s interesting how we like to quote other people. Some are sarcastic, some uplifting. Some quotes are funny and some don’t make any sense at all! So… exactly what good are quotes?

A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a witty person, but a pebble in the hands of a fool. ย ~unknown

We seem to get a lot of pleasure from sharing quotes & aphorisms. Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, a 20th century publisher, said, “It’s such a pleasure to write down splendid words – almost as though one were inventing them.”

Twitter, Facebook & other social networks are chock full of quotes filling people’s’ statuses. The most “retweeted” posts on Twitter are quotes. You can search Google to find quotes on almost anything – but have you ever searched for quotesย aboutย quotes or quoting?

Most collectors collect tangibles.ย  As a quotation collector, I collect wisdom, life, invisible beauty, souls alive in ink.

Terri Guillemets, Quotation Anthologist

I began saving some of my favorite quotations almost 16 years ago – from books, movies & TV, seminars and anywhere else I heard or read something worth remembering. For many years, I wrote them all in a book, like a journal. Now I keep them online, all indexed, synced & backed up.

What’s the fascination some of us have with quotations? Could it be we that we’re trying to or can already relate to the author’s words?ย Most quotes have something to do with experiences of some sort.

A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.

Miguel de Cervantes

Richard Kemph once said, “Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired.” But I have to love the musings of author,ย David H. Comins, who noted:

People will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.

What are your favorite quotes? Do you collect or save them somehow? Let me know in the comments area, below!




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