Never Give Up

Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. ~Harriet Beecher Stowe

The title comes from the solid, sage words of Winston Churchill. Simple concept, yet so very difficult to remember when life gets difficult.ย If we all lived by these words, patience would be a common virtue and many successes would have more of a chance to blossom in every area of our lives.

Thomas Edison reminded us, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” His story is interesting in that he failed over tenย thousand times before finding a way to make the common light bulb work!

Never Give Up = Success, Eventually

When we take a look at anyone who’s been successful and has achieved, we find they didn’t give up when things were hard. Even in the face of numerous challenges, they keep going.

Most famous athletes have suffered many injuries in the years of practice to get where they are today. Inventors face one failure after another before getting it just right. All the famous people I can think of in business have had businesses fail completely before finally building what’s made them famous.

We always have to make adjustments along the way. It’s been said that the only constant is change. When things are hard, keep going – if it’s not working try something a little different.

So, when you’re ready to give up, just keep in mind that things can only be bad for so long & then if you areย persistent, things must turn around. Persistence is motion. Motion is progress.

To persevere is a choice. Which choice do you want to define your character and be the reason for what happens or doesnโ€™t in your future? Never give up.

Originally posted 1.24.2011 image credit unknown



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