Monday, January 20, 2025
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Tag: Personal Change

follow your dream

Never Mind the Hecklers, Follow Your Dream

You may have the most amazing idea, yet someone is going to poo on it. Don't let anyone talk you out of going after your dream.

Podcast: Voyage Of Discovery Show Updates

It's been a long, long time since I last put out a podcast but a lot has changed, and I'm breathing new life into...

The Answer to the Universe is Perspective

In relationships - personal or professional, personal growth and building success, our perspective is what makes all the difference. Stephen Covey said it best; We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

Myth Busted: People Don’t Change Podcast

Cole is your myth-buster in this podcast, explaining why change is inevitable for everyone. Have you ever heard this before? That people don’t change? Well,...

It’s Your Choice

The difference between champion & victim is most often just a choice. It's YOUR choice.

Myth Busted: People Don’t Change

The Myth... Have you ever heard this before? That people don't change? Well, it's time to put that myth to rest - just like that...

The Robbing Power of Procrastination

Do you tend to put something off when you really could or should be getting it done now? Learn how to overcome procrastination.

How To Make Motivation a Habit

Ever have one of those days when you really, really don't feel motivated? We all do. So, HOW do you stay inspired and motivated? You get a system that works...and practice it.