Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Home Tags Perseverance

Tag: Perseverance

follow your dream

Never Mind the Hecklers, Follow Your Dream

You may have the most amazing idea, yet someone is going to poo on it. Don't let anyone talk you out of going after your dream.

Stand for Something Worthwhile

The most important thing you can do in the face of failure or harsh judgment is to hold on even tighter to the principles you know to be true. Make it a personal value to begin anew each day.
a will to persevere

Have a Will to Persevere – Principles Of Growth

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t. ~Henry Beecher Ward
Keep Learning How To Live

Keep Learning How to Live – Personal Growth Through Life

Life is about learning & growing. We don't just learn about reading & writing - but about ourselves, patience, compassion, trust, understanding & relating to others. If someone or a situation has brought faults of yours to your attention, the greatest fault would be ignoring it, making excuses and not learning to overcome it.

It’s Your Choice

The difference between champion & victim is most often just a choice. It's YOUR choice.
Never Give Up

Never, Never, Never Give Up.

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. So, when you're ready to give up, just keep in mind that things can only be bad for so long & then if you are persistent, it will turn around.

How To Make Motivation a Habit

Ever have one of those days when you really, really don't feel motivated? We all do. So, HOW do you stay inspired and motivated? You get a system that works...and practice it.
rules for personal change

5 Essential Rules for Personal Change

It's common knowledge that change is usually uncomfortable & can be difficult. Having a few easy rules to guide us can hold us on course like the beacon from a lighthouse when the stormy waves of life come crashing down on us.