Tag: How To
Podcast: Voyage Of Discovery Show Updates
It's been a long, long time since I last put out a podcast but a lot has changed, and I'm breathing new life into...
The Answer to the Universe is Perspective
In relationships - personal or professional, personal growth and building success, our perspective is what makes all the difference. Stephen Covey said it best; We see the world not as it is, but as we are.
Have a Will to Persevere – Principles Of Growth
The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t. ~Henry Beecher Ward
A Flight Plan for Life
Knowing which way you're headed, making frequent reviews of your progress and small adjustments as needed, there is no journey too long or destination too far. No goal is too high for you to reach if have a plan!
How To Make Motivation a Habit
Ever have one of those days when you really, really don't feel motivated? We all do. So, HOW do you stay inspired and motivated? You get a system that works...and practice it.
5 Essential Rules for Personal Change
It's common knowledge that change is usually uncomfortable & can be difficult. Having a few easy rules to guide us can hold us on course like the beacon from a lighthouse when the stormy waves of life come crashing down on us.
7 Most Important Questions to Spark Personal Change
Have you ever had the feeling that stuff just doesn’t change? Every day, it’s the same thing over and over and you don’t seem to really be getting anywhere? I’ve often felt like a rat who’s running through a maze, racing to get a nibble of cheese only to be placed back on the starting line to do it all over again. It takes us doing something different than what we’ve done before to attain something different than we have now.
3 Easy Steps For A Big Difference In Understanding
Want to make a meaningful difference in the life of someone today? Ever wonder how to get your teenager to listen to you more? Would you like to improve your relationship with a coworker? Strengthen a relationship? These 3 Steps are the primer – the essential beginnings of taking action once you have a desire for understanding or improvement.