Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Tag: Faith

one nation, under god

One Nation, Under God

We are seeing history in the making - but is it a history any of us can look back on with fond memories, or will this be remembered as the time we saw our country fall apart?
a flight plan for life

A Flight Plan for Life

Knowing which way you're headed, making frequent reviews of your progress and small adjustments as needed, there is no journey too long or destination too far. No goal is too high for you to reach if have a plan!
Difference Between Fact and Opinions

Healing Power & Lessons Through Physical Trials

Why is it that we seem to learn and grow the most through adversity? Ever notice how personal growth seems to somehow be tied to challenges & trials? It all makes me wonder if God does indeed have a sense of humor, as Albert Einstein had said. Or is it more a matter of the lessons having more value to us if there is some pain or grief involved?

Why I Wish You “Merry Christmas”

This time of year is special to billions or people around the world for various reasons. It's a time to forget segregation and denomination, expressing brotherhood with everyone. Though we may live under different roofs or decorate differently, we all came from the same place and now share the same planet as our home...So here's why I say "Merry Christmas"...