Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Home Tags Excuses

Tag: Excuses

Stand for Something Worthwhile

The most important thing you can do in the face of failure or harsh judgment is to hold on even tighter to the principles you know to be true. Make it a personal value to begin anew each day.
Keep Learning How To Live

Keep Learning How to Live – Personal Growth Through Life

Life is about learning & growing. We don't just learn about reading & writing - but about ourselves, patience, compassion, trust, understanding & relating to others. If someone or a situation has brought faults of yours to your attention, the greatest fault would be ignoring it, making excuses and not learning to overcome it.
a flight plan for life

A Flight Plan for Life

Knowing which way you're headed, making frequent reviews of your progress and small adjustments as needed, there is no journey too long or destination too far. No goal is too high for you to reach if have a plan!

The Robbing Power of Procrastination

Do you tend to put something off when you really could or should be getting it done now? Learn how to overcome procrastination.

Action vs. Excuses

Simply put, there are two kinds of people: Those who make excuses, and those who make it happen. Who do you want to be?