rules for personal change

The Need For Change

One of the most basic principles of life is that to achieve lasting happiness & success, we have to be constantly progressing. This requires growth and change – whether it’s personal growth  in overcoming a bad habit, changing our financial situation, or anything else. Thus, we explore rules for personal change.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

It’s common knowledge that change is usually uncomfortable & can be difficult. Having a few easy rules to guide us can hold us on course like the beacon from a lighthouse when the stormy waves of life come crashing down on us.

Whatever kind of change we’re trying to make in our life, in order for it to be lasting, there are some very inarguable simple “rules” that have to be met. These rules have been compiled from the principles taught by many notable experts such as Anthony Robbins, Dr. Stephen Covey, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Dwayne Dyer and more. So, here are 5 Rules For Personal Change:

  1. YOU Have to really want it.
    Whatever your reasons for making change, they have to be your reasons. Meaning, you think about it…it is your focus. You own this.
  2. YOU have to DO it!
    Take action. This has to happen daily – each and every day. Nike’s old slogan is simple and to the point, “Do It!”
  3. The change cannot be reliant on anyone else.
    You can’t hope for or rely on someone else to create change in YOUR life or make your life better! Being responsible for change means that you must “own” the situation and acknowledge that results – or lack of results – are up to you. Sure, there are always things in life outside of our control. Being accountable and owning your situation will put you in charge of what you do have control over.
  4. What YOU do must be different than what you’ve done before.
    If you’re doing the same things or acting the same way as before, you aren’t going to get different results. Albert Einstein taught “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Since change depends on action, how can you “act differently”?
  5. YOU must not quit when things get hard.
    And things will get hard. Just keep going. Persist again with each new day. All worthwhile, lasting change takes time. This means you’ll have to be patient as well as persistent… every day. If you fall down or have a bad day, begin with a smile again tomorrow.

Check out this list & practice it for the next 30 days. These rules for personal change have already helped countless people around the world. See what kind of a difference it makes for you! Bob Parsons also has a set of 16 Rules for Success in Business & Life in General that you might find handy. Share your ideas & thoughts in the comments, below.

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  1. Great post. I think #5 is the hardest for most people. Quitting seems to be the new thing for people who try to change. They resist it, allowing their mindset to drift back to old habits which leads to #4, what you do must be different than what you’ve done before.

    • Thanks for sharing your insight on this Joe! It seems that we all struggle with one or more of these points. Getting them all together can be a challenge…but it’s SO worth it 🙂

      Best wishes & hope to see you come back again soon.


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